
eRFx ( RFP - RFQ )

Why eRFx ( RFP - RFQ )?

eRFx ( RFP - RFQ ) are both a method of supplier selection for the procurement of complex products or services as well as for the exploration of the current market price. It helps organizations to figure out new untapped pool of suppliers delivering quality products and services at lower prices giving your business a competitive edge in the market. eSupplier.com offers eRFx ( RFP - RFQ ) tool which simplifies and automates obtaining offers from various suppliers across the globe for purchase of Raw Material, Indirect Material, Capital Equipment & Logistic reducing your manual routine work. It uses one single eRFX template to create eRFP or eRFQ.

Benefits of eRFx / RFP - RFQ

4 steps to your personal offer

Fill out the online easy-to-use eRFx template > Invite / Discover Suppliers > Receive Quotations > Award Contract

Improve Spend Management

Centralized tracking and increased visibility of spend trough transparent eRFx ( RFP – RFQ) tendering gives better control over your spend.

eRFx comparison reports

Summarized comparison report showing prices for different quotations side by side, to help you better analyze and make buying decisions.

New Supplier Discovery

Get more responses by broadcasting eRFx to category based supplier pool and discover new suppliers across the globe.

24x7 Availability

Quotation Inquiries whenever you want from wherever you want regardless of dates and opening hours.

Easy handling

An online direct access to all eRFx ( RFP - RFQ ) requests and supplier data using your PC, smartphone or tablet.

Types of eRFx

eRFP (Request for proposal)

An eSourcing event inviting vendors to propose solutions to a customer’s problems or business requirements.

eRFQ (Request for quotation)

An eSourcing event inviting vendors to submit a quotation for a specific products or service.

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Email: info@eSupplier.com
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